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Mistake #4…”Oh why do I have to create a Plan to pay back my student loans?”

Budgeting your student loans is crucial. By Genevieve Dobson Just like any other debt you owe you have to plan on how you will pay back your student loans.  Key to success with handling student loan debt or any debt is sitting down and calculating how much you owe and...

SLAYING THE STUDENT LOAN DRAGON: 5 Steps you can take right now!

Its time to take a stand against the dragon By: Genevieve Dobson The media, the universities and the lenders all realize how much trouble students are in but other than a bunch of talk nothing is being done about it.  It’s as though we see the dragon sitting on...

Changing your Major could Cost you your Degree

Being Well Prepared is important?! By: Genevieve Dobson Ahhh, who knew being well prepared was so important (besides your mom, your dad, your grandparents and maybe a few aunts and uncles) but whose counting.  The important thing is that you know now and hopefully you...