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Your Student Loans during the Coronavirus Pandemic

        Trying to put the pieces together                   In many cases, student loan debt is the largest debt a person has. With student loan debt averaging over $37,000 per borrower, we can certainly...

What Your Student Loan Company isn’t Telling You!

     There is much talk about student loan debt and much concern about borrowers who default or are delinquent in making their payments but it seems that we are not talking about why.  Many times people assume that borrowers are just being...

Beware of Student Loan Scammers!

How many times have you read or heard from the Internet or even your Student Loan Servicing company to avoid scams from companies who say they are going to help you get forgiveness or reduce your student loan payments?  But how do you know who is a scammer and...

New Tax Plan Wont Hurt Your Student Loans

      No one likes Tax Time unless they are getting a refund or tax credit of some kind.  Many of those with student loans got a scare when they heard that the new Tax plan would include taking away the ability to claim interest paid on their...

Private Student Loan Consolidation could save you tons

As most people realize, Student Loans have been a burden on those graduating from a College or University as the costs of education continues to rise.  Current student loan balances have increased to above 1.5 Trillion dollars; being the highest consumer debt...

Rates go up for Student Loans

As if the rates on student loans were not high enough, now students borrowing funds to go to school will see an increase in their rates for the 2017/18 year. I would suspect the rates wont stop here and will continue to increase every year over the next 3 years....

Filing your Taxes can affect your Student Loans

It's that time of year again when you have to file your taxes with the IRS. It may seem simple enough but don't forget how you file your taxes does effect your student loans. There are some things you should consider before completing your return: If you are married,...

Navient sued for Mismanagement of Student Loans!

U.S. Government Sues Navient            Once again the largest student loan servicing company has taken advantage of borrowers who desperately need their help. This is not the first time this company has gotten themselves in trouble as...

Where Is the Bankruptcy Chapter on Student Loans

      CHAPTER 5: STUDENT LOANS Ever go through your bills and figure it may just be easier to file bankruptcy? I think this thought has crossed the minds of many. However, when it comes to student loans, they are not allowed to be...

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